Just as evolution's natural selection eliminates unsustainable biological traits, economies need to purge themselves of uneconomical activities. At present, economic policies and subsidies reward failures and punish successes. They limit the natural free flow of capital that would go to profitable products and services. Economies need to eliminate these policies and subsidies and allow economic natural selections to occur.
Economies also must be balanced and policed. Regulations and oversight that deter predatory competition and greed need to be enhanced and aggressively enforced. If governments worldwide co-operate and implement these measures and other measures that address the world's social and political disparities and environmental limits, a balanced sustainable prosperous worldwide economy could come to fruition.
Unfortunately, the past 30 years have seen developed, democratic economies relying more and more on deficit spending and credit creation to offset economic losses to new emerging economies. They have subsidized their economic growth by stealing from future generations. They have mortgaged their children!
The economic crisis cannot be solved with more bailouts, subsidies and quantitative easing. Real change is needed.
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